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Showing posts from May, 2022

Creepy and Weird Facts About Harry Houdini

      As we prepare for next year's theatre season at Blinn College-Brenham, I am currently researching our first show,  Houdini by Muriel Rukeyser. In doing so, I found a few creepy and weird facts about the famous magician I thought I'd share on my creepy and weird blog! * HOUDININ TRIED TO REACH HIS MOTHER THROUGH SPIRITUALISM :  Obsessed with the death of his mother, Houdini sought out spiritualists to help him make contact with her.  After being scammed by a number of self-proclaimed psychics, Houdini, in his later years, vowed to expose them for the "human leeches" they were. * HOUDINI WAS BURIED WITH LETTERS FROM HIS MOTHER :  Upon his death, Houdini's will stipulated his head by laid upon a pillow made of letters from his mother.  Only one letter from his wife was included in the stack that was buried with the illusionist. * HOUDINI WAS BUIRED IN A COFFIN MADE FOR ONE OF HIS MAGIC TRICKS :   Houdini was buried in an airtight coffin made for a trick in wh