Looking for a great play to produce this upcoming theatre season? I've got some for you! Available through Next Stage Press , all of the plays listed below are published, and they are just waiting to be produced at your school or theatre company: https://www.nextstagepress.com/ MINOR INCONVENIENCES by Bradley Nies Cast Size: 2M 1F Running Time: 40 minutes Ever have trouble getting the lid off the mayonnaise jar? Ever not be able to find the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle you’ve been working on for a month? Ever wondered why life is full of things that inconvenience us? After hitchhiking along Houston’s busy FM 1960, a young waitress comes face to face with an unlikely duo who claim to be responsible for the minor inconveniences in our lives. ( Excellent for Middle School/Junior High ) PERFECT, MOTHER by Bradley Nies Cast Size: 1M 1W Running Time: 40 minutes Caroline Nobles in a single mother living in the small T...
Welcome to the blog of Bradley Nies: College Professor, Theatre Arts Director, and Playwright.